Designed in the late 2270’s as the light counterpart to the Challenger- and Enterprise-class heavy cruisers, the Arcadia had an extended development period due to constantly changing requirements. As a direct successor to the successful Sentinel-class, the class was intended for extended armed patrols along the Klingon and Romulan Neutral Zones, but the Khitomer Peace Accords have freed them up for exploration and survey.
Fast and versatile, it’s capable of being refitted for multiple mission profiles, although it tends to default to pathfinder and security operations. Like its predecessor, the design uses much of the same design elements as its flag-carrying counterparts, although the technology has taken another leap forward.
- Year in Service: 2288
- Dimensions: 280 m/124 m/39.9 m
- Decks: 10
- Crew Complement: 280
- Cruising Speed: Warp 8
- Maximum Speed: Warp 12
- Comms
- 07
- Computers
- 09
- Engines
- 09
- Sensors
- 10
- Structure
- 08
- Weapons
- 08
- Command
- -
- Conn
- +1
- Security
- +1
- Engineering
- -
- Science
- +1
- Medicine
- -
Scale: 4
- Phaser Banks
- Photon Torpedoes
- Tractor Beam (Strength 3)
- High Resolution Sensors
- Improved Warp Drive
Design based on: Krause, Bill, and Forbin. “The prettiest kitbash I’ve ever seen”. The Trek BBS, 7 June 2015, www.trekbbs.com/threads/the-prettiest-kitbash-ive-ever-seen.273587/.