The Avenger and its smaller sister-class, the Predator, were designed to counter the increasing threat as the Klingon Empire turned its attention towards the Federation in the 2240s. Starfleet’s existing vessels were unable to effectively combat smaller raiders, such as the “Birds-of-Prey” favoured by many Klingon Houses, and Starfleet Command were worried as to how they would perform in fleet operation. The Avenger was built to be fast, manoeuvrable and heavily-armed, with a large phaser cannon mounted at the front of the secondary hull. While only a few examples were available at the outbreak of the Federation-Klingon War of 2256–57, they proved their worth, and they were put into service along the border once hostilities ceased.
- Year in Service: 2255
- Dimensions: 196m/94.4 m/31.1 m
- Decks: 10
- Crew Complement: 160
- Cruising Speed: Warp 7
- Maximum Speed: Warp 10
- Comms
- 07
- Computers
- 07
- Engines
- 09
- Sensors
- 07
- Structure
- 08
- Weapons
- 10
- Command
- +1
- Conn
- -
- Security
- +1
- Engineering
- +1
- Science
- -
- Medicine
- -
Scale: 3
- Phaser Cannon
- Phaser Banks
- Photon Torpedoes
- Tractor Beam (Strength 2)
- Improved Power Systems
Design: Okazaki, Masao. “The Starfleet Museum: Avenger- and Predator-Class Destroyers”. The Starfleet Museum. http://www.starfleet-museum.org/avenger-predator.htm (accessed 29/07/2014).