Like its big sister, the Avenger, the Predator was the product of an ASDB project to produce vessels capable of combating the fast, manoeuvrable raiders operated by the Klingons. A smaller vessel, the Predator was very fast at sublight speeds and capable of chasing fighting “Birds-of-Prey” on their own terms. They first arrived at the outbreak of the Federation-Klingon War and were primarily assigned to convoy escort duties, operating in pairs to defend against both Klingon commerce raiders and Orion privateers. Although their combat record was second to none, they were never a popular assignment; crew quarters were cramped and recreational facilities non-existent.
- Year in Service: 2255
- Dimensions: 196m/71.6 m/40.1 m
- Decks: 9
- Crew Complement: 150
- Cruising Speed: Warp 7
- Maximum Speed: Warp 9
- Comms
- 07
- Computers
- 07
- Engines
- 10
- Sensors
- 07
- Structure
- 08
- Weapons
- 09
- Command
- +1
- Conn
- +1
- Security
- -
- Engineering
- +1
- Science
- -
- Medicine
- -
Scale: 3
- Phaser Banks
- Photon Torpedoes
- Tractor Beam (Strength 2)
- Improved Impulse Drive
Design: Okazaki, Masao. “The Starfleet Museum: Avenger- and Predator-Class Destroyers”. The Starfleet Museum. http://www.starfleet-museum.org/avenger-predator.htm (accessed 29/07/2014).