The Lightning-class is one of the fastest ships known to Starfleet, both at warp and impulse, where these vessels have been known to dodge photon torpedoes. Its speed is due to its unusual drive configuration, consisting of two counter-rotating quartets of subspace impellers, indirectly energising a ring of warp coils. Like many Orion classes, the design is ancient, predating the formation of the Federation by several centuries, and Starfleet engineers have been unable to successfully reverse engineer the design. These vessels usually sport a trititanium coating which prevents sensor scans of their interiors, making them popular for both resource scouting and smuggling, although their cargo capacity is low. The Orion pirate clans have also used these for covert operations, such as their recent attempt to disrupt the Babel Conference regarding Coridan’s admission to the Federation.
- Year in Service: Unknown
- Dimensions: 110 m/108 m/107 m
- Decks: 3
- Crew Complement: 25
- Cruising Speed: Warp 8
- Maximum Speed: Warp 10
Game statistics for the Orion Scout Ship spaceframe can be found in the Star Trek Adventures Beta Quadrant Sourcebook, p94.
Design: Okuda, Michael. Star Trek (cr. Gene Roddenberry, Desilu, 1966, 2007).