The Vulcan High Command has been operating the same basic designs of starship for over two hundred years, albeit with periodic technological refits. “It is not logical to replace a system which performs its assigned task efficiently”, as T’vaal, Head of the High Command, remarked in 2264. When they were first seen in the 22nd century, they dwarfed anything else in use among the future Federation founders, although even these were out-classed by the immense D’kyrs. Suuroks were known for their high speeds, capable of cruising at warp 7, when Humans were still trying to achieve warp 5, and their firepower, but neither of these are impressive by 23rd century standards. As the High Command realigned to focus on science and exploration over the last century, the Suuroks have increasingly been reconfigured for research, and are now commonly found on extended survey missions around the edges of Federation space.
- Year in Service: 2250
- Dimensions: 350 m/111 m/100 m
- Decks: 21
- Crew Complement: 110
- Cruising Speed: Warp 6
- Maximum Speed: Warp 8
- Comms
- 07
- Computers
- 08
- Engines
- 08
- Sensors
- 09
- Structure
- 07
- Weapons
- 08
- Command
- -
- Conn
- +1
- Security
- +1
- Engineering
- -
- Science
- +1
- Medicine
- -
Scale: 4
- Phaser Bank
- Tractor Beam (Strength 3)
- Advanced Research Facilities
- Improved Warp Drive
Design: Drexler, Doug. Star Trek: Enterprise (Cr. Rick Berman & Brannon Braga, Paramount Pictures, 2001).