Starfleet Rank Insignia (2278 pattern)

Flag officer rank insignia

Starfleet CodeF-5F-4F-3F-2F-1
Sleeve and Strap InsigniaSilver disc with a gold crown on 4 sides, and gold wreathSilver disc with a gold crown on 4 sides, and gold border, with 4 gold pipsSilver disc with a gold crown on 4 sides, and gold borderSilver disc with a gold crown on 4 sidesSilver disc with a gold crown above and below
Rank TitleFleet admiralAdmiralVice admiralRear admiralCommodore

Note: Flag officers wear their rank insignia on the left fore­arm and right shoulder strap of their jack­et. Their uni­forms are dec­or­ated with addi­tion­al rank stripes and braid.

Line officer rank insignia

Starfleet CodeO-7O-6O-5O-4O-3O-2O-1O-C
Sleeve and Strap InsigniaSilver hexagon, elongated vertically, with silver crowns at top and bottom and on both sides, and 3 horizontal gold barsSilver hexagon, elongated vertically, with silver crowns at top and bottom, and 3 horizontal gold barsSilver rectangle, long sides vertical, with inward pointing chevrons on the short sides, and 2 horizontal gold barsSilver rectangle, long sides vertical, with inward pointing chevrons on the short sides, and a horizontal gold barTwo small triangles, points facing, at either end of a vertical gold barTwo small triangles, points facing, arranged vertically, each with a rounded gold tipSilver triangle, point down, with a gold groove in the centreNo insignia
Rank TitleFleet captainCaptainCommanderLieutenant commanderLieutenantLieutenant (junior grade)EnsignMidshipman

Notes: Line officers wear their rank insignia on the left fore­arm and right shoulder strap of their jacket.

Enlisted rate insignia

Starfleet CodeE-9E-8E-7E-6E-5E-4E-3E-2E-1
Sleeve and Strap InsigniaHollow silver ring with a gold crown, with a vertical gold barHollow silver octagon with wire-wrapping on 3 sides and a gold crown, with a vertical gold barHollow silver octagon with wire-wrapping on 3 sides and a gold crownHollow silver octagon with wire-wrapping on 4 sidesHollow silver octagonHollow silver octagonHollow silver diamondHollow silver diamondNo insignia
Rank TitleMaster chief petty officerSenior chief petty officerChief petty officerPetty officer first classPetty officer second classPetty officer third classCrewman first classCrewman second classCrewman third class

Notes: All crew wear their rate insignia on the left fore­arm of their duty jump­suit, and on the right shoulder strap of their dress jack­et. Petty officers and chiefs are usu­ally addressed by their rat­ing, a com­bin­a­tion of their rate and job title, i.e. “Trans­port­er Spe­cial­ist 1st class” or “Seni­or Chief Armsman”.

All repro­duc­tions copy­right © 2023 J R Crew, and licenced under a Cre­at­ive Com­mons Attri­bu­tion-Non­Com­mer­cial-ShareAlike 4.0 Inter­na­tion­al (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) licence, based on pro­duc­tion art that is most likely copy­righted by Para­mount Pic­tures or CBS Stu­di­os Inc.