Imperial Klingon Expeditionary Force Rank Insignia

General officer rank insignia

Starfleet Code
Collar InsigniaBronze disc with a Klingon trefoilBronze disc with a fountain symbol and two sunburstsBronze disc with a fountain symbol and one sunburstBronze disc with a fountain symbol
Rank Title'ajSa'totlh'ech
TranslationThought admiralGeneralBrigadierColonel

Officer rank insignia

Equivalent Starfleet CodeO-7O-6O-4O-2
Collar InsigniaBronze disc with sunburstBronze disc with angled stripeBronze disc with one strip and one angled stripeBronze disc with three stripes meeting in the middle
Rank TitleHoDla'Soghlagh

Warrior rank insignia

Equivalent Starfleet CodeE-7E-4E-3E-2
Collar InsigniaBronze disc with triple forked stripeBronze disc with two angled stripesBronze disc with one diagonal stripeBronze disc
Rank Titlebu'Da'Mangbeq

Notes: Klin­gon war­ri­ors and officers wear their rank insignia on their left collar.

All repro­duc­tions copy­right © 2023 J R Crew, and licenced under a Cre­at­ive Com­mons Attri­bu­tion-Non­Com­mer­cial-ShareAlike 4.0 Inter­na­tion­al (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) licence, based on art by Todd F. Marsh, Dana Knut­son, Jeff Lauben­stein, and Mitch O’Con­nell, found in: Guy W. McLimore, Jr., et al., The Klin­gons, Second Edi­tion: Star Fleet Intel­li­gence Manu­al, for Star Trek: The Role Play­ing Game (Chica­go: FASA Cor­por­a­tion, 1987).