Starfleet Reporting Reference: D7
The basic design of the ubiquitous Klingon battlecruiser has persisted for over a century. The K’t’rika (“Bringer of Agony”) arrived at the end of the Klingon War of 2256, and was codenamed “D7” by Starfleet Intelligence. Compared to its predecessor, the K’t’kara, the K’t’rika is about 10% larger, boasts more phaser turrets and has additional capacity for dedicated ground forces. The Empire’s impressive construction facilities turned out dozens of these vessels within a few years of its introduction, and examples were traded to the Romulan Star Navy towards the end of the 2260s, apparently in exchange for improved cloaking technology.
- Year in Service: 2257
- Dimensions: 206 m/147 m/57.8 m
- Decks: 12
- Crew Complement: 450
- Cruising Speed: Warp 5
- Maximum Speed: Warp 7
Game statistics for the D7 spaceframe can be found in the Star Trek Adventures Core Rulebook, p259.
Design: Jefferies, Matt. Star Trek (cr. Gene Roddenberry, Desilu, 1966).