Ministry Personnel File: Doctor Zephaniah E Pleasant

A Sin­is­ter Surgeon.


A tall, sat­urnine gen­tle­man in a dark suit, bear­ing an impa­tient expression.


Born into a small rur­al com­munity in south­ern Mas­sachu­setts, Zephaniah Pleas­ant was always a strange child, with a pas­sion for dis­sect­ing dead anim­als: although wheth­er this was in pur­suit of know­ledge or pleas­ure is unclear. His moth­er was executed in mys­ter­i­ous cir­cum­stances when he was six and his fath­er, a prom­in­ent law­yer, moved the fam­ily to Lon­don, cut­ting the boy off from his odd hobby.

Later, read­ing Medi­cine at Oxford Uni­ver­sity, Zeph­eni­ah rekindled his pas­sion for the macabre. Dis­cov­er­ing the cir­cum­stances behind his mother­’s death, he developed an interest in the occult. Find­ing that his moth­er had been a prac­ti­tion­er of an art con­cern­ing the invoc­a­tion of bib­lic­al Demons, Zeph­eni­ah’s curi­os­ity drove him to delve deep­er and deep­er into her beliefs.

Fin­ish­ing his med­ic­al degree, Zephaniah quickly became one of the most tal­en­ted young doc­tors in Eng­land. Giv­en access to his own oper­at­ing theatre, which he referred to as his “theatre of oper­a­tions”, his occult research began to mix with his med­ic­al prac­tice. This turned out to be a poor choice: caught per­form­ing an invoc­a­tion, using a live patient as a sac­ri­fice, he was struck off. At this point, the Min­istry, attrac­ted by his med­ic­al pro­fi­ciency and occult know­ledge, offered him a chance at redemp­tion. This enabled him to con­tin­ue his bizarre exper­i­ment­a­tions; except that, this time, it was being sanc­tioned and mon­itored by the Gov­ern­ment (which rather took the fun out of it all).

Zephaniah’s magic is based on the invoc­a­tion of named dev­ils, which then per­form tasks for him. He is cur­rently able to reli­ably con­tact 3 demons: Teph­ros, the Ash­maker, Naberi­us, the Lord of Cun­ning, and Mal­phas, the Tower Builder.

Cre­ated by Ben.

Savage Worlds Statistics

Rank: Novice


Strengthd4Tough­ness4Know­ledge (Bio­logy)d8


  • Cha­ris­mat­ic
  • Arcane Back­ground (Magic – powers: Boost/Lower Attrib­ute, Deflec­tion, Stun)


  • Anem­ic
  • Stub­born


  • Med­ic­al bag