Ministry Personnel File: His Highness Prince Salman of Swat

A Dash­ing Cavalryman.


Look­ing the archetyp­ic­al Bol­ly­wood star, Sal­man is a strik­ing young man of 23 with a swarthy com­plex­ion, an easy smile and a groucho moustache.


Per­haps the most renowned prince on the North­w­est Fron­ti­er is the Akhund of Swat, both spir­itu­al and sec­u­lar lead­er of his people and a mor­al author­ity for Muslims through­out India. It was God’s will that the Akhun­d’s eld­er son, Ismail, lose the use of his legs in an ele­phant acci­dent, but the boy has grown into a pious and stu­di­ous young man*, pre­pared to take up his father­’s respons­ib­il­it­ies when the time comes.

And then there’s his oth­er son, the hand­some and ener­get­ic Sal­man. A fine swords­man and horse­man, by tra­di­tion he would have made a bet­ter heir to the throne than his crippled broth­er. But the Brit­ish author­it­ies think highly of the prin­ciple of pri­mo­gen­it­ure, and per­haps even more highly of Indi­an potentates hav­ing no mil­it­ary expert­ise. This policy is wel­come so far as Sal­man is con­cerned: rather than a life of reli­gion and state­craft he is free to enjoy more act­ive pur­suits – such as the pur­suit of big game, dan­cing, women and even liquor.

About a year ago Sal­man left Swat in search of adven­ture, also put­ting some dis­tance between him­self and a couple of angry hus­bands. His ambi­tion is to see the won­ders of the world and sample its many enter­tain­ments, but strangely his fath­er did not see fit to sub­sid­ise a tour of Europe and the Amer­icas. He even for­bade his son to join Cecil Rhodes’s private armies in Africa. Sal­man has a vague plan of enlist­ing in some branch of the Brit­ish armed forces that would take him to exot­ic parts of the globe and provide some oppor­tun­it­ies to enjoy him­self at the same time. Unfor­tu­nately his train­ing is as a cav­alry­man – not a use­ful back­ground for the Navy, Mar­ines or Air Corps.

Trav­el­ling through the Hindu Kush, Sal­man heard that his old acquaint­ance Carew had dis­ap­peared while hunt­ing ban­dits. (He heard wrongly.) Sal­man went search­ing for Carew him­self, but his curi­os­ity got the bet­ter of him and he was cap­tured by mem­bers of some twis­ted, idol­at­rous cult.

*Also known as the swot of Swat.

Cre­ated by Bill.

Savage Worlds Statistics

Rank: Veteran




  • Acrobat
  • Attract­ive
  • Very Attract­ive
  • Frenzy
  • Quick Draw
  • Trade­mark Weapon (scim­it­ar)


  • All Thumbs
  • Big Mouth
  • Curi­ous


  • Scim­it­ar
  • Leath­er armour
  • Pot helm
  • Revolver
  • War­horse