Starfleet Reporting Reference: V7
These warbirds have been detected operating along the Romulan side of the Neutral Zone since the late 2280s. Hard data is limited to that obtained through long range scans, but they appear to operate in a similar role to Starfleet’s light cruiser classes, performing short patrol and research missions. Like the larger Vas’deletham-class warbirds, they display the Star Empire’s remarkable technological progress since its return to galactic politics three decades ago. The primary weapon systems appear to be based around the same devastating plasma torpedo/cloaking device combination first seen during the Neutral Zone Incursion of 2266. One oddity noted in intelligence reports is the apparent lack of a matter/antimatter power signature, and analysts are not yet able to explain the class’s power source.
Note: All figures are estimates.
- Year in Service: 2288
- Dimensions: 140 m/260 m/53.3 m
- Decks: 9
- Crew Complement: 320
- Cruising Speed: Warp 7
- Maximum Speed: Warp 9
- Comms
- 09
- Computers
- 10
- Engines
- 09
- Sensors
- 11
- Structure
- 08
- Weapons
- 11
- Command
- 02
- Conn
- 03
- Security
- 03
- Engineering
- 02
- Science
- 03
- Medicine
- 02
Scale: 4
- Disruptor Banks
- Plasma Torpedoes
- Tractor Beam (Strength 3)
Special Rule
- Cloaking Device
- Electronic Warfare Systems
- Fast Targeting Systems
- Improved Hull Integrity
- Improved Warp Drive
Design based on: Brown, Forrest G., and Wheeler, W. John. “V‑7 (Whitewind) Class IX/X Cruiser”. In Star Trek: the Role Playing Game: Romulan Ship Recognition Manual. Chicago, IL : FASA, 1985. 13.