Shattered Time, Part II

Epis­ode Num­ber: 4×02

Writ­ten by: ELH

Dir­ec­ted by: Jon Crew

Trans­mis­sion: 23rd Feb­ru­ary 2025

Guest Stars:

  • Cap­tain Aukai: Aure­li­an com­mand­ing officer of the U.S.S. Majest­ic NCC-90102.

Our arrival into the BC-12 sys­tem was a little dra­mat­ic. The entire sys­tem is divided into zones appar­ently resid­ing in dif­fer­ent time peri­ods, and trans­it­ing from one to anoth­er without care can res­ult in ser­i­ous dam­age. Valik’s team are work­ing on the warp core breach, and now we’re tak­ing a more cau­tious approach to invest­ig­at­ing the mys­ter­i­ous Star­fleet dis­tress sig­nal ori­gin­at­ing on the sys­tem’s 2nd planet.

Cap­tain’s Log: Stard­ate, 9977.3

Plot: The crew of the Lyo­n­esse battles its way towards the source of the dis­tress call and finds refugees from the future.

The ‘A’ Plot: While Valik’s team works on repair­ing the warp core, the cap­tain holds a meet­ing on how they should approach the plan­et, giv­en the risks posed by the tem­por­al bound­ar­ies. The core breach has demon­strated just how dan­ger­ous this could be. Giv­en that there are Star­fleet per­son­nel in trouble, it is clear they must con­tin­ue to attempt a res­cue, but they will have to be more cautious.

Jin pro­poses launch­ing probes equipped with pre­cise tim­ing beacons into each zone. This will allow him to map the bound­ar­ies of the zones, and their tem­por­al para­met­ers, pro­du­cing a pre­cise plan of the safest route through. The cap­tain approves this oper­a­tion and they proceed.

Des­pite James’s best efforts, the edge of the sau­cer does briefly poke through one of the bound­ary planes, pla­cing sig­ni­fic­ant stress on the ship’s hull. Jin has pree­mpt­ively rein­forced the struc­tur­al integ­rity field, and the ship scrapes through with min­im­al damage.

After sev­er­al hours of dif­fi­cult man­oeuvres Lyo­n­esse arrives in orbit around BC-12b, and Astan reports that the long range sensors are pick­ing up two K’si host car­ri­ers approach­ing the sys­tem. At warp 4, they will arrive in about four hours, but pre­sum­ably they will run into the same issues as Lyo­n­esse did, so they should have about half a stand­ard day to effect a res­cue before they pose a threat.

Jin, mean­while, is scan­ning the sur­face. He reports two major time zones on the plan­et, with the dis­tress call ori­gin­at­ing in the near­er, which appears to be in the future rel­at­ive to Lyo­n­esse, and con­tains sev­er­al dozen life signs, mostly Human. The K’si facil­ity, hold­ing thou­sands of K’si, lies on the oth­er side of the plan­et, in the oth­er time zone, which appears to be in the rel­at­ive past. The source of the tem­por­al anom­aly cre­at­ing the vari­ous zones lies very close to the loc­a­tion of the dis­tress call.

Valik notes that get­ting to the source of the dis­tress sig­nal will be a little dif­fi­cult, as neither trans­port­ers nor tract­or beams will work across the tem­por­al bound­ar­ies. Mas­uda orders Hop­era to put togeth­er a land­ing party, and take a shuttle to the sur­face. Astan, Jin, Vale and Valik all board the Mor­gana, with James piloting.

Leav­ing the ship, James suc­cess­fully nav­ig­ates across the bound­ary, whereupon the chro­no­met­ers imme­di­ately start updat­ing, based on pulsars and the like. It appears that the “cur­rent” year is 2402, a cen­tury on from their own time. On the ground ahead of them is a large ves­sel, which appears to have made a con­trolled-land­ing des­pite its size. While the design is unfa­mil­i­ar, it is def­in­itely Star­fleet, and resembles a mod­ern Mir­anda-class. The mark­ings on the hull read “NCC-90102” and “U.S.S. Majest­ic”.

Hop­era hails the Majest­ic, and gets an imme­di­ate reply from Cap­tain Aukai. He indic­ates that he is aware of the tem­por­al anom­alies, and admits that the prob­lems are being caused by his ship, but that a lack of power is pre­vent­ing them from fix­ing the prob­lem. Hop­era tells him that there are hos­tile K’si com­ing, which means they need to leave the area quickly, and Aukai agrees that they should meet in person.

James lands the Mor­gana in the Majest­ic’s shut­tle­bay, com­ment­ing on the force field keep­ing the demon plan­et’s atmo­sphere out while allow­ing the shuttle in, a tech­no­logy that Star­fleet has yet to devel­op. Hop­era sharply reminds him of the dangers of tem­por­al con­tam­in­a­tion and he shuts up. Six officers in black jump­suits are wait­ing for them, includ­ing what appears to be a Romu­lan and anoth­er unknown humanoid. Cap­tain Aukai him­self turns out to be a winged Aure­li­an. The two groups intro­duce them­selves, then Aukai leads them dir­ectly to a holo­graph­ic sim­u­la­tion of a 23rd cen­tury brief­ing room, explain­ing that this will help min­im­ise any tem­por­al damage.

Hop­era describes Lyo­n­esse’s 18 month (to date) mis­sion and exper­i­ences, and Aukai gives a gen­er­al account of the Majest­ic’s pres­ence: a joint mis­sion with the K’si to invest­ig­ate sub­space anom­alies on the plan­et. Unfor­tu­nately, as soon as the ship landed, its warp core inter­ac­ted with solano­gen crys­tals in the plan­et’s crust, pre­vent­ing the form­a­tion of a stable sub­space field and trap­ping the Majest­ic on the sur­face. Aukai also explains that he is aware that the con­tem­por­ary K’si are hos­tile to out­siders, so he can­not expect any help from them.

Hop­era com­ments that solano­gen crys­tals are nor­mally found close to sub­space anom­alies and are believed to be a byproduct of such events. It is vir­tu­ally unheard of to find them on a plan­et’s sur­face. How­ever, the crys­tals do inhib­it arti­fi­cial sub­space fields, which would pre­vent both impulse and warp drives from functioning.

The two groups dis­cuss pos­sible solutions:

  • Jin cal­cu­lates that Lyo­n­esse could tract­or the Majest­ic off the sur­face, which would break the link between the crys­tals and the warp drive. The down­side is that this would res­ult in the ship and crew being pulled fully into the 23rd century.
  • Altern­at­ively, the Majest­ic could simply eject its warp core, which would also dis­solve the bubble, leav­ing the ship and crew in their own time. In this case, how­ever, the ship’s reserve power would only last anoth­er 72 hours before the con­di­tions on BC-12b des­troyed it.
  • Astan sug­gests that they could simply des­troy the Majest­ic, after evac­u­at­ing the crew. This does mean they would be stran­ded in the 23rd cen­tury, with all the attend­ant tem­por­al con­tam­in­a­tion risks.
  • Dr Vale, who has been quiet for most of the con­ver­sa­tion, leans for­ward and points out that blad­der stones can be dis­solved with sound waves, thus avoid­ing the need for sur­gery. Would it be pos­sible to do some­thing sim­il­ar with the solano­gen crys­tals? Jin replies that chroniton waves could destabil­ize the crys­tals, which would then dis­rupt the link with the warp core. Lyo­n­esse could achieve this without being phys­ic­ally linked to the Majest­ic, thus avoid­ing either ship being pulled into the wrong time. The Majest­ic would then be free to fly off under its own power.

It is agreed that this might be the best approach to take.

The Arc: Appar­ently the dif­fer­ences between the K’si and Star­fleet will be resolved at some point with­in the next century.

Obser­va­tions: The Majest­ic’s holo­deck, like the rest of the ship, is much more advanced than the Lyo­n­esse crew is used to. While 23rd cen­tury ships have holo­decks, they simply pro­ject images, not the full-con­tact sim­u­la­tions seen in the late 24th cen­tury. Oth­er examples of advanced tech­no­logy include the shut­tle­bay force-field and the con­trol pan­els: while Lyo­n­esse makes heavy use of touch-sens­it­ive con­trols, they are not eas­ily recon­fig­ur­able like the later LCARS system.

Solano­gen is a sub­stance that can nor­mally only exist with­in the struc­ture of sub­space itself, but it can form more resi­li­ent crys­tals when exposed to cer­tain radi­ation, such as that found with­in anom­alies like worm­holes. Solano­gen crys­tals have a strong dampen­ing effect on arti­fi­cial sub­space fields, such as those pro­duced by warp and impulse drive systems.

Ref­er­ences: The Majest­ic is a Reli­ant-class cruis­er, the first example of which will be launched in 2397. These ships are highly-auto­mated and, des­pite their size, have a stand­ard crew com­ple­ment of under a hundred. 

One of the Majest­ic’s secur­ity officers is a Fer­engi. As of the end of 23rd cen­tury, Star­fleet has yet to encounter the Fer­engi, des­pite their home­world’s prox­im­ity to Earth.