The Crew of the Lexington

Portraits of the cast of Star Trek: Lexington.

Main Cast

Portrait of Captain Pryce.
Cap­tain Pryce

Captain Aidan Cullum Pryce


Aidan Pryce is the Human com­mand­ing officer of the Lex­ing­ton. He has a long his­tory with the ship, hav­ing been the exec­ut­ive officer of the Lex­ing­ton under both Cap­tain Rousseau and Com­modore Wes­ley. A vet­er­an of the Four Years War and of the M‑5 Incid­ent, he is an optim­ist who believes there is always a solu­tion to any problem.

Com­mand­er Shiva

Commander Shiva Eskin-Daleh


Com­mand­er Shiva is the Deltan exec­ut­ive officer. Des­cend­ing from a line of dip­lo­mats, she is skilled at put­ting oth­ers at their ease.

Portrait of Lieutenant Commander A'Mathi.
Lieu­ten­ant Com­mand­er A’Mathi

Lieutenant Commander A’Mathi


A’Mathi is the ship’s har­ried chief engin­eer, scion of a not­able Caitian fam­ily. Des­pite his extens­ive engin­eer­ing know­ledge, he is still get­ting used to the ves­sel’s new warp drive.

Lieu­ten­ant Com­mand­er Midax

Lieutenant Commander Nedre Veezia Midax


Dr Mid­ax is the Trill chief med­ic­al officer. She’s an expert in fron­ti­er med­ic­al prac­tice, and keen to help push the bound­ar­ies of Fed­er­a­tion know­ledge and science.

Lieu­ten­ant Com­mand­er Nossaag

Lieutenant Commander Zoss glasch Nossaag


Zoss glasch Nossaag is the Tel­lar­ite Chief of Secur­ity. He has made a num­ber of import­ant con­tacts in his mys­ter­i­ous past.

Lieu­ten­ant Adred

Lieutenant Kroso Adred


The oth­er Trill in the crew, Kroso Adred is that rare beast, the cau­tious helms­man. He is renowned for his pilot­ing skill.

Lieu­ten­ant Strauss

Lieutenant Richter Strauss


Over­see­ing Lex­ing­ton’s sci­ence oper­a­tions is Richter Strauss, of mixed Vul­can and Human her­it­age, although he favours his Earth side. Strauss served on the USS Pan­acea dur­ing her final battle, along­side Dr Mid­ax. Strauss leaves the ship in ‘We came forth to con­tem­plate the stars’ Part Two.

Supporting Cast

Lieu­ten­ant Gar­ren Har­rid is a Cen­taur­an xeno­anthro­po­lo­gist in Lex­ing­ton’s sci­ence department.

Lieu­ten­ant T’rhyn, a Vul­can astro­phys­i­cist, takes over as Lex­ing­ton’s Sci­ence Officer when Lt Strauss leaves.

Lieu­ten­ant, juni­or grade Hans Schneider is a Human juni­or med­ic­al officer in Dr Mid­ax’s depart­ment. He likes to play golf in his spare time.

Lieu­ten­ant, juni­or grade Patrick O’Keefe is a Human psy­cho­logy officer, with a side interest in parapsychology.

Lieu­ten­ant, juni­or grade Mettus is a Den­ob­u­lan sci­ence officer and sensor specialist.

Ensign Bhavani is a Bar­z­an navigator.

Ensign George is a Human mem­ber of the secur­ity department.

Recurring Characters

Com­modore Banna Stoker is one of Star­fleet’s rov­ing troubleshoot­ers. She has a repu­ta­tion for being stub­born, secret­ive and some­what ruthless.

Mer­chant-Cap­tain Lolaani-Tan is the own­er and com­mand­er of the Ori­on ves­sel Zhair­assha. She has a strong interest in Ori­on antiquities.