U.S.S. Lyonesse NCC-2278
Notes and game statistics for the U.S.S. Lyonesse NCC-2278.
Notes and game statistics for the U.S.S. Lyonesse NCC-2278.
A modern light cruiser, optimised for extended patrols. A history and game statistics for Star Trek Adventures.
Stardate 9833.3. Lyonesse finds another long-dead Vulcan outpost on an ice-age world harbouring the remains of an ancient civilisation. Once a landing party begins exploring the ruins, they discover something is still alive.
Stardate 9828.3. The crew of Lyonesse continues delving into the mysteries of BC-01c, and makes first contact with an intelligent lifeform within the Cluster.
Captain Masuda, Commanding Officer, Lyonesse NCC-2278.
Stardate: 9828.0. The crew of Lyonesse explores the first planet it has discovered within the Black Cluster.
Quentin dresses up; Lumby slightly less so. Played Episode 1: 21st May; Episode 2: 28th May; Episode 3: 4th June 2020. Dramatis Personæ Plot Episode 1 Following active campaigns to be allowed to operate in the field, the Viscount Wedgwood-Smythe and Lumby Jones were summoned from their respective lairs (the Library and the Workshops) to the Deputy … Unnatural History
Stardate: 9824.4. Lyonesse’s progress towards the Black Cluster continues, as the crew gain more knowledge of their mission.
Stardate: 9823.1. This episode serves primarily to introduce the series’ ship and crew. Little is said of the eponymous Black Cluster.
Lieutenant Commander Tek, Commanding Officer, Lyonesse NCC-2278.
Captain Ford Prefect, Commanding Officer USS Neil Armstrong, NCC-48728.
Personal log, stardate 48175.3 supplemental, Lieutenant (junior grade) Ike Flemming recording. (Diplomatic Officer, USS Armstrong)