Author Archives: Astronut

Trekkie, gamer, librarian, father. Hello.

We Came Forth to Contemplate the Stars, Part II

Stard­ate, 5632.4, Sup­ple­ment­al. Stran­ded on an extra-galactic space sta­tion, Lex­ing­ton’s land­ing party works with a fac­tion of the inhab­it­ants to repair the fail­ing power sys­tems, vital to both life sup­port and the means of get­ting home. Mean­while, the lead­er of the lar­ger fac­tion plots to dis­pose of the “False Mes­sen­gers of the Gods”.

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We Came Forth to Contemplate the Stars, Part I

Stard­ate, 5632.4. While explor­ing ancient ruins on a desert world, Lex­ing­ton’s land­ing party is trans­por­ted to a dis­tant space sta­tion, appar­ently loc­ated out­side the galaxy, where the res­id­ents wel­come them as emis­sar­ies of the gods…

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