Archives: Roleplaying Games

Art­icles about table-top role­play­ing games.

The Cleft of the Rock, Part I

Stard­ate, 51278.2. Lex­ing­ton is diver­ted from re-sur­vey­ing known Tilikaal sites to recov­er a sur­vey probe stran­ded in the ice ring of Cal-Mirra. But the probe’s con­trolling arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence has oth­er ideas.

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Star Trek: Lexington, season 5

U.S.S. Lex­ing­ton NCC-30405 Stard­ates: 50955-??? (2374) These are the voy­ages of the Star­ship Lex­ing­ton. Its five-year mis­sion: to explore strange new worlds, uncov­er the ruins of ancient civil­isa­tions and under­stand their tech­no­logy. Against the back­drop of the Domin­ion War, the mis­sion shifts focus to counter the Tilikaal threat.

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