Archives: Roleplaying Games

Art­icles about table-top role­play­ing games.

The Orion Heist, Part I

Stard­ate, 49182.7. While Cap­tain Kon­in grapples with his chief engin­eer­’s appar­ent murder of an uncon­scious pris­on­er, Lieu­ten­ant Com­mand­er Raynor invest­ig­ates the theft of a num­ber of Tilikaal arte­facts from a secure stor­age area on Nar­en­dra Station.

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The Ministry of Blades

The Min­istry of Blades An out-of-char­ac­ter intro­duc­tion to the cam­paign. “Wel­come to the Min­istry” Major Keithley wel­comes the new recruits. Per­son­nel Files Meet the fear­less agents of the Min­istry. Case Files Archive files on a num­ber of sig­ni­fic­ant cases invest­ig­ated by the Min­istry’s agents.

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The Orion Colonies

The term “Ori­on Colon­ies” encom­passes all the worlds held by Ori­ons, wheth­er with­in the Ori­on Neut­ral­ity Area prop­er, in Fed­er­a­tion or Klin­gon space, or in the neut­ral zone between the two super­powers. All are Ori­on, although not all owe their alle­gi­ance to Botchok, the spe­cies’ home­world in the Rigel sys­tem. Ori­ons would rightly argue that The Ori­on Colonies

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The Imperial Klingon Expeditionary Forces

The Federation’s greatest rival for over a cen­tury, then one of its greatest allies, the Klin­gon Empire occu­pies a large volume of space in the Beta Quad­rant. Klin­gon soci­ety is caste-based, dom­in­ated by the war­ri­ors of the Great Houses. Beneath them are the less­er Houses, then the com­mon pop­u­la­tion, and a dozen or so sub­ject races. The Imper­i­al Klin­gon Exped­i­tion­ary Forces

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