Archives: Roleplaying Games

Art­icles about table-top role­play­ing games.

Star Trek: Lexington, season 2

U.S.S. Lex­ing­ton NCC-30405 Stard­ates: 48127–48965 (2371) These are the voy­ages of the Star­ship Lex­ing­ton. Its five-year mis­sion: to explore strange new worlds, uncov­er the ruins of ancient civil­isa­tions and under­stand their tech­no­logy. A cen­tury later, in 2371, Lex­ing­ton’s name­sake is assigned to join a new ini­ti­at­ive to explore the Shack­leton Expanse on the far side Star Trek: Lex­ing­ton, sea­son 2

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Star Trek: Lexington: Episode Guide

These are the voy­ages of the Star­ship Lex­ing­ton. Its five-year mis­sion: to explore strange new worlds, uncov­er the ruins of ancient civil­isa­tions and under­stand their tech­no­logy. Sea­son 1 U.S.S. Lex­ing­ton NCC-1709 (Stard­ates 5428–5707, 2269) The star­ship Lex­ing­ton explores worlds on the Klin­gon fron­ti­er in 2269. The dis­cov­ery of ruins left by an extinct civil­isa­tion leads Star Trek: Lex­ing­ton: Epis­ode Guide

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Star Trek: Lexington, season 1

U.S.S. Lex­ing­ton NCC-1709 Stard­ates: 5428–5707 (2269) These are the voy­ages of the Star­ship Lex­ing­ton. Its five-year mis­sion: to explore strange new worlds, uncov­er the ruins of ancient civil­isa­tions and under­stand their tech­no­logy. The star­ship Lex­ing­ton explores worlds on the Klin­gon fron­ti­er in 2269. The dis­cov­ery of ruins left by an extinct civil­isa­tion leads to a Star Trek: Lex­ing­ton, sea­son 1

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The Assessor Gambit, Part I

Stard­ate 48942.6. Cap­tain Kon­in and his seni­or officers attend a brief­ing con­cern­ing the archae­olo­gic­al dis­cov­er­ies made so far and the poten­tial of a new site close to the Romu­lan bor­der, before being sent to take a closer look. 

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