A World with a Bluer Sun, Part III
Stardate 9842.7. Captain Masuda and her away team find they have to resolve the conflict among Atlantis’s crew before they can rescue them all.
Stardate 9842.7. Captain Masuda and her away team find they have to resolve the conflict among Atlantis’s crew before they can rescue them all.
Stardate 9815.1. Dr Vale and Lt Astan fight to prevent the hijacking of a civilian transport by pirates.
Stardate 9842.6. As the mouth of the wormhole expands, the crew turns its attention to the possibility of rescuing the crew of Atlantis, and staging their own escape.
Stardate 9842.5. Receiving an ancient Earth Starfleet distress signal from a crashed shuttlepod, Lyonesse rescues a crazed survivor, while sensors detect a vessel stranded in the event horizon of the nearby wormhole.
Stardate 9839.5. Captain Masuda leads an away mission beneath the oceans of the planet, where they encounter something disturbing.
Stardate 9839.3. Lyonesse’s oberservations of the biome of “space whales” feeding off stellar winds at BC-03 are interrupted by a local hunter, and the discovery that the whales themselves are sentient.
Stardate 9833.5. The landing party find themselves surrounded by armed drones, as they take in a macabre scene of dead Vulcan scientists connected to an advanced computer.
Stardate 9833.4. The landing party’s investigation of the Vulcan site on BC-02e continues, as they enter the seed vault and discover a hidden tunnel leading to what appears to have once been a missile silo repurposed as a “doomsday vault” for a small number of residents. Despite it being over a millennium since it was built, something is still active within.
Notes and game statistics for the U.S.S. Lyonesse NCC-2278.
Stardate 9833.3. Lyonesse finds another long-dead Vulcan outpost on an ice-age world harbouring the remains of an ancient civilisation. Once a landing party begins exploring the ruins, they discover something is still alive.
Stardate 9828.3. The crew of Lyonesse continues delving into the mysteries of BC-01c, and makes first contact with an intelligent lifeform within the Cluster.
Captain Masuda, Commanding Officer, Lyonesse NCC-2278.