Mission Log: U.S.S. Lyonesse NCC-2278

2295. In the wake of the Khitomer Accords, Captain Masuda and the crew of the USS Lyonesse are assigned to explore the mysterious Black Cluster.
Season 1
Stardates 9823–9851, 2295
The starship Lyonesse departs Starbase 514 to begin her exploration of the legendary Black Cluster. As well as discovering new cultures and types of cosmozoa, their initial explorations uncover traces of both the lost Vulcan ship Sonak, and a 22nd century Earth starship. Their way home blocked, they are forced to carry on with reduced supplies, into the territory of the mysterious K’si.
Season 2
Stardates 9852–9958, 2295–2296
Lyonesse continues into the heart of the Black Cluster, uncovering the final fate of Sonak, and establishing contact with the Vahari, rivals of the K’si who may not be what they appear to be.
Season 3
Stardates 9958–9971, 2296
After a six month layover at New Vahar, Lyonesse returns to her mission, while hunting for a way out of the Black Cluster.
Season 4
Stardates 9976‑, 2296-
Lyonesse resumes her exploration of the Black Cluster, trying to avoid the K’si.