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Something Wicked This Way Comes

Stard­ate, 49969.4. The Lex­ing­ton com­mand crew con­tin­ues its com­pet­it­ive ritu­al with the seni­or officers of the Mup­wI’, its mem­bers fin­ish­ing some­what battered and, in some cases, wiser. Unfor­tu­nately, this seems to be just the calm before the storm.

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The Orion Heist, Part I

Stard­ate, 49182.7. While Cap­tain Kon­in grapples with his chief engin­eer­’s appar­ent murder of an uncon­scious pris­on­er, Lieu­ten­ant Com­mand­er Raynor invest­ig­ates the theft of a num­ber of Tilikaal arte­facts from a secure stor­age area on Nar­en­dra Station.

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