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The Assessor Gambit, Part I

Stard­ate 48942.6. Cap­tain Kon­in and his seni­or officers attend a brief­ing con­cern­ing the archae­olo­gic­al dis­cov­er­ies made so far and the poten­tial of a new site close to the Romu­lan bor­der, before being sent to take a closer look. 

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Fading Sun, Part I

Stard­ate, 48198.3. When Cap­tain Adred resigns his com­mis­sion and dis­ap­pears in the middle of the night, the crew sus­pects foul play. How­ever, their mis­sion must con­tin­ue, as they deliv­er sup­plies to a remote sta­tion, under a strict new com­mand­ing officer.

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