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Fading Sun, Part I

Stard­ate, 48198.3. When Cap­tain Adred resigns his com­mis­sion and dis­ap­pears in the middle of the night, the crew sus­pects foul play. How­ever, their mis­sion must con­tin­ue, as they deliv­er sup­plies to a remote sta­tion, under a strict new com­mand­ing officer.

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Decision point, Part II

Stard­ate, 48127.5. Lex­ing­ton has found the miss­ing ves­sel, but her crew are act­ively help­ing a pre-warp soci­ety avoid a cata­clysm. The Prime Dir­ect­ive may not apply to civil­ians, but it does put a Star­fleet crew in an awk­ward position.

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