Star Trek Lexington Season 1

Punishment and Crime

Stard­ate, 5797.1. When Com­modore Stoker van­ishes from the deten­tion facil­ity at Star­base 10, Lex­ing­ton is sent to an unin­hab­ited sys­tem to find her. While a land­ing party searches for her on the sur­face, the ship comes under attack from an unex­pec­ted direction.

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A Piece of the Puzzle

Stard­ate, 5722.1. Lex­ing­ton vis­its Beta Niobe, scene of a recent cata­stroph­ic super­nova, to invest­ig­ate the pos­sib­il­ity that the now extinct loc­al pop­u­la­tion had access to Ancient tech­no­logy. When the ship becomes trapped in the anom­alies caused by the expand­ing super­nova rem­nant, the crew has to rely on an unex­pec­ted ally for help.

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Return to Murasaki 312

Stard­ate, 5678.6. Com­modore Stoker­’s mys­ter­i­ous arrival leads to a vis­it to Mur­a­s­aki 312, where the Enter­prise lost the shuttle­craft Galileo two years earli­er. While a land­ing party searches for evid­ence of the ancient civil­isa­tion on the sur­face of Taur­us II, Cap­tain Pryce finds him­self stuck between a rogue Com­modore and a Cap­tain determ­ined to arrest her.

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We Came Forth to Contemplate the Stars, Part II

Stard­ate, 5632.4, Sup­ple­ment­al. Stran­ded on an extra-galactic space sta­tion, Lex­ing­ton’s land­ing party works with a fac­tion of the inhab­it­ants to repair the fail­ing power sys­tems, vital to both life sup­port and the means of get­ting home. Mean­while, the lead­er of the lar­ger fac­tion plots to dis­pose of the “False Mes­sen­gers of the Gods”.

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We Came Forth to Contemplate the Stars, Part I

Stard­ate, 5632.4. While explor­ing ancient ruins on a desert world, Lex­ing­ton’s land­ing party is trans­por­ted to a dis­tant space sta­tion, appar­ently loc­ated out­side the galaxy, where the res­id­ents wel­come them as emis­sar­ies of the gods…

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Fury of the Hive, Part I

Stard­ate, 5494.2. When Com­modore Stoker sends Lex­ing­ton to invest­ig­ate the loss of con­tact with an isol­ated research facil­ity, the crew encounter a swarm of squid-like cos­mo­zo­ans and find things at the facil­ity are not what they appear.

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Abyss Station, Part I

Stard­ate, 5456.6. Cap­tain Pryce and his team explore a huge ali­en space sta­tion, look­ing for a lost sci­ence exped­i­tion. The dis­cov­ery that a power­ful weapons sys­tem has been activ­ated trig­gers a race to save mil­lions of lives.

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Stard­ate, 5428.3. Sev­er­al months into her five-year mis­sion, Lex­ing­ton is car­ry­ing emer­gency med­ic­al sup­plies to a fron­ti­er colony when she suf­fers a cata­stroph­ic drive fail­ure. Repairs have to be com­pleted rap­idly to avoid drift­ing into Klin­gon space and con­demning the col­on­ists to an unpleas­ant fate.

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