Mission Report

Reports from gam­ing sessions.

The Shadow Beneath, Part I

Stard­ate 9839.3. Lyo­n­esse’s ober­ser­va­tions of the bio­me of “space whales” feed­ing off stel­lar winds at BC-03 are inter­rup­ted by a loc­al hunter, and the dis­cov­ery that the whales them­selves are sentient.

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Plato’s Cave, Part II

Stard­ate 9833.4. The land­ing party’s invest­ig­a­tion of the Vul­can site on BC-02e con­tin­ues, as they enter the seed vault and dis­cov­er a hid­den tun­nel lead­ing to what appears to have once been a mis­sile silo repur­posed as a “dooms­day vault” for a small num­ber of res­id­ents. Des­pite it being over a mil­len­ni­um since it was built, some­thing is still act­ive within.

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Plato’s Cave, Part I

Stard­ate 9833.3. Lyo­n­esse finds anoth­er long-dead Vul­can out­post on an ice-age world har­bour­ing the remains of an ancient civil­isa­tion. Once a land­ing party begins explor­ing the ruins, they dis­cov­er some­thing is still alive.

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Unnatural History

Quentin dresses up; Lumby slightly less so. Played Epis­ode 1: 21st May; Epis­ode 2: 28th May; Epis­ode 3: 4th June 2020. Dramatis Per­sonæ Plot Epis­ode 1 Fol­low­ing act­ive cam­paigns to be allowed to oper­ate in the field, the Vis­count Wedg­­wood-Smythe and Lumby Jones were summoned from their respect­ive lairs (the Lib­rary and the Work­shops) to the Deputy Unnat­ur­al History

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