Aye mosaram-class Warbird

A Romulan Star Navy warbird often seen along the borders of the Neutral Zone.
A Romulan Star Navy warbird often seen along the borders of the Neutral Zone.
Deck Plans
Notes and game statistics for the U.S.S. Lexington NCC-30405.
The multi-role counterpart to the Constitution-class.
Starfleet Reporting Reference: K19. In Service: 2234–2285. A common long-range scout and raider used by both the ISF and many Klingon Houses.
The heavy counterpart to the Class F mk 12.
Starfleet Reporting Reference: D7. In Service: 2257–2295. The feared mainstay of the Klingon Deep Space Fleet.
Starfleet’s standard mid-century utility shuttle, carried by most starships.
A fast and manoeuvrable convoy escort, introduced shortly before the Battle of the Binary Stars.
A heavily-armed border patrol vessel, introduced shortly before the Battle of the Binary Stars.
Notes and game statistics for the U.S.S. Lexington NCC-1709.
A modern light cruiser, optimised for extended patrols. A history and game statistics for Star Trek Adventures.