Star Trek: The Black Cluster, season 3
U.S.S. Lyonesse NCC-2278 Stardates: 9958‑, 2296-
U.S.S. Lyonesse NCC-2278 Stardates: 9958‑, 2296-
Stardate, 9970.1. A landing party from Lyonesse goes undercover on a world under the sway of the mysterious K’si.
Stardate, 9941.7. Dr Vale-of-Winds leads an away team into a remote part of New Vahar, but finds another expedition in dire straits.
Starfleet rank and rate insignia as used from 2278 to around 2350.
Mission Log: U.S.S. Lyonesse NCC-2278 2295. In the wake of the Khitomer Accords, Captain Masuda and the crew of the USS Lyonesse are assigned to explore the mysterious Black Cluster. Season 1 Stardates 9823–9851, 2295 The starship Lyonesse departs Starbase 514 to begin her exploration of the legendary Black Cluster. As well as discovering new … Star Trek: The Black Cluster: Episode Guide
U.S.S. Lyonesse NCC-2278 Stardates: 9823–9851 2295
U.S.S. Lyonesse NCC-2278 Stardates: 9852–9958, 2295–2296
Stardate, 9899.9. Lyonesse is forced to intervene directly when the Vahari engage the native resistance in open warfare.
Stardate, 9899.1. Suspicious of the nature of the relationship between the Vahari and the native peoples of New Vahar, Captain Masuda and her landing party take a tour of the Vahari city. When Dr Vale, Lt Astan and Specialist Ara request an expedition outside the walls, they discover a side of native life they hadn’t expected.
Stardate, 9898.9. U.S.S. Lyonesse journeys to the new homeworld of the Vahari, uncovering a troubling history.
Stardate, 9891.6. With the away team trying to free the hostages at the bottom of the ocean, and make contact with their kidnapper, Captain Masuda attempts to defuse the tensions as armed ships race toward the planet.
Stardate, 9885.3. Tracing the source of a powerful tetryon shockwave, accompanied by a garbled distress signal, the crew find a remote mining operation extracting deuterium from the the oceans of a water world. When the director asks for their assistance in locating some lost workers, they find themselves caught up in a conflict with a previously unknown lifeform.