Aye mosaram-class Warbird

A Romulan Star Navy warbird often seen along the borders of the Neutral Zone.
A Romulan Star Navy warbird often seen along the borders of the Neutral Zone.
Deck plans for four of Starfleet’s 24th century shuttle fleet.
Notes and game statistics for the U.S.S. Lexington NCC-30405.
A small, fast scout used for exploration in sensitive areas.
The light counterpart to the Galaxy-class explorer.
An aging cruiser, still used by the Vulcan High Command for research.
A very speedy scout and smuggling vessel used primarily by Orion criminals.
The multi-role counterpart to the Constitution-class.
Starfleet Reporting Reference: K19. In Service: 2234–2285. A common long-range scout and raider used by both the ISF and many Klingon Houses.
The heavy counterpart to the Class F mk 12.
Starfleet Reporting Reference: D7. In Service: 2257–2295. The feared mainstay of the Klingon Deep Space Fleet.
Starfleet’s standard mid-century utility shuttle, carried by most starships.